How not to lose your dog

9 Simple Tips To Help Prevent Losing Your Dog

May 14, 2019 · dog anxiety · dog stress · lost dog · microchip dog · pet parent stress

Follow these 9 simple tips to help even the most conscious pet parent avoid losing their dog, the most important of which is microchipping them!

It’s every pet parent’s nightmare — their dog goes missing, and waves of guilt, stress and parent anxiety suddenly wash upon our pet-loving souls.

Each year, it is estimated that approximately 10 millions pets are lost each year, and unfortunately, only 15% of dogs that don't have ID tags or microchips are reunited with their pet parents.

But Why Do Dogs Run Away?

Some, if not all, canines an innately adventurous spirit, so when they see an opening, that spirit often takes hold and off they go. They run away for a multitude of reasons:

  1. They bolt out the door
  2. They slip out of their collar
  3. They get scared and jump the fence

Tips to prevent losing your dog

If your dog goes missing, would you be reunited? Statistics show that only one in ten dogs who are lost are eventually reunited with their families. What can you do to find a lost dog and be reunited?

Here are a few ways to keep them safe and then facilitate a reunion.

How To Help Reunite With A Lost Dog

  1. Get your dog microchipped. It’s a quick in-office procedure your veterinarian can perform.
  2. Once your dog is microchipped, make certain your contact information is correct on the microchip website.
  3. Have your dog wear a collar with a tag that has your contact information. Keep in mind, a collar is a visual way for someone who finds your dog to contact you. A microchip will require the good samaritan take your dog to a vet or shelter to have him scanned for a chip.
  4. Keep your dog on a leash when you’re out for a walk unless you’re in a securely fenced in area.
  5. Train your dog to stay away from the open doors at your home so he can’t bolt.
  6. If your dog is nervous in certain situations, keep him home and away from those things and situations that may scare him and cause him to slip his collar.
  7. Put your dog in a harness. It’s much harder to slip out of a harness.
  8. If your dog gets loose, don’t chase him and don’t call his name. Immediately sit on the ground and ignore him. Don’t make eye contact, don’t whistle. Even the most well-trained dog may get spooked and run into a dangerous situation when she’s loose. You may even try to sing a song when you’re searching for your dog - she will recognize your voice, but if you’re not calling her name she may come up to you.
  9. Always have up-to-date photos of your dog and of you and your dog. Current photos will be helpful if you’re posting on social media to try and find him.

When you get a new dog or puppy, work with him on the “come” command. Offer praise and treats every time he comes back to you. Getting him to come to you when you call him can be a literal lifesaver.


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