Puppy-Proof Your Home

How To Puppy-Proof Your Home The Clawguard Way

Mar 20, 2019 · adopt a puppy · dog · protect the house · puppy · puppy proof your home · training

We understand that puppies are a lot of work and that they can wreak havoc on your house. A puppy does not want to be the cause of damage, but “puppies will be puppies,” as the saying goes.

Puppies gnaw on windowsills, scrape doors, and chew on inappropriate objects. To prevent harm and secure your house, we believe in proactively securing and puppy-proofing.

If you're planning on getting a new puppy, whether you adopt from a local shelter or rescue or buy from a reputable breeder, we have some puppy-proofing advice for you.

Puppy Proofing the Clawguard Way

We want puppies (kittens, dogs, and cats) to remain in their forever homes at Clawguard. Protecting your home from future harm is ideal, and being vigilant is similar to "baby proofing" your home when your toddler starts exploring.

Don't forget that if your dog chews on anything she shouldn't, it could make her sick and necessitate a ride to the emergency vet. If your puppy claws the door, he risks getting splinters in his sensitive paw pads, which may result in a medical emergency.

5 Tips To Proactively Puppy Proof Your Home

There are several simple tips to begin building a significant bond with your puppy. The tips below explain a few.

  1. Get down to his level. You are not seeing the world through the eyes of your dog as you stroll around your home. A puppy's perspective of the world is around knee-height. Get down on your hands and knees and take a look at your house through his eyes. From that vantage point, what do you see that he might chew, bite, or otherwise harm? What are cords? Cover them with a blanket. What about the shoes? Take them in your arms. What are window sills? Rearrange the furniture to keep it away from the walls. Is there a door? You can't remove the door, but you can protect it with a CLAWGUARD shield.
  2. Pick up items. If you don’t want your puppy to shred newspapers or books or chew your favorite heels, pick them up. Your puppy will have no idea what is hers to chew and what is not.
  3. Give your puppy toys. If your dog has toys and understands that they are his to play with, he is less likely to chew on your belongings or scratch at the gate. Distract your puppy with a toy if he begins to chew an unwanted object or claw the doors, and reward him when he plays with or chews the toy and avoids damaging your other items in your home.
  4. Positively reinforce good behaviors. When your puppy chews on something appropriate, praise him and/or give him a treat to show him you like what he's playing with and chewing on. This will reinforce the good behavior you're looking for.
  5. Play with your puppy. If your puppy is tired out and gets a lot of exercise she won’t be as inclined to damage the home. A tired dog is a happy dog.

Accepting an Ongoing Responsibility

It takes a lot of effort to live with and train a puppy. You're taking proactive measures to make your home as accommodating as possible to your new addition when you take steps to make the home welcoming to your puppy and eliminate any potential objects from his path.

When the founder's rescue dog, Foster, caused damage to the house, CLAWGUARD was born. They didn't want to give him up, so the creator devised a defense to keep the house safe and stop Foster from causing harm. The invention of this product was inspired by a dog's affection. That's what makes this product special; it was built by a dog lover searching for ways to protect his home while training his new pup.

CLAWGUARD builds shields that help protect homes from dog damage and cat damages. Products include door shields, couch guards, and universal protective tape that protects commonly scratched areas like window sills, furniture, banisters, weatherstripping and more.  Check us out on Amazon and read our many FIVE STAR reviews!

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